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    adwords made easy

    How do I use my account?
    Let us first make it clear that the basics of AdWords constant has not changed . Campaigns and ad groups, ads , budgets , billing and Quality Score as it is not changed . All updates are limited on the front - the ways through which you see the content of your account and modify .
    You can go from the new interface to the old interface at any time by clicking on the links , " the new interface ( experimental ) or the previous version at the top of the campaign

    Here are the main new features you'll see in the new interface .

    How to create a new campaign and a new ad group :
    Subscribe ended the reign of the old processor . And now will add keywords and create ads and choose settings in the same tabs you use to manage these elements .
    Create an ad group
    Is created ad groups within tabs in your account. This means that you will prepare the components of the ad group in the same tabs you are viewing or modify it, so that you can know where to make adjustments if you want to go back and make changes . You can stop during the build process or skip one of the steps and go back at a later date for completion. If you do not want additional guidance , you can choose to set up your ad group in a single page. The following steps explain this option .
    Here's how to create an ad group :
    Sign in to your account for AdWords.
    Click on the name of the advertising campaign , which will include a new ad group page on all online campaigns .
    Click on the link + new ad group located above the buttons at the top table of the ad group directly .
    At this point , you can choose to create an ad group tabs in your account ( we'll help you in these steps ) , or you can click on the link to switch to single-page form , which will allow you to fill out all the relevant information on a single page .
    If you want to continue in your account , you must rename the new ad group . Click Save and continue.

    You will be redirected to the tab " ads ." Select the type of ad you want to create first , and then follow the instructions to create your ad and the destination URL . Click Save and continue. Review system ad, then directs you to the next page .
    You will be redirected to the tab " keywords " in your ad group . Enter keywords in the text box " add keywords " . You can also use the keyword tool to search for new keywords and add them .
    Before you save your keywords , enter the default bid for the search network and the default bid for automatic placements for this ad group . Show Prices section refers to the cost per click or cost per thousand impressions , depending on the style show the price at which you have chosen for this campaign. Click Save and Exit. Examines the system keywords , and then displays the keyword table .Your new ad group is now active . Can display ads in this new ad group when conducting a search using the keywords you have chosen. To add managed placements to this ad group, click the Networks tab .

    Explain create a new campaign
    Here's how to create a new AdWords campaign :
    Sign in to your account for AdWords.
    If this is your first campaign , click on the Create your first campaign . If this were not your first campaign , you have to find the new campaign button in the tab " campaigns ."
    You will be redirected to the tab "Settings" in your campaign to begin choosing your campaign settings .
    You can now rename the new campaign , and then select other settings such as the language of the audience , location, and network settings and bidding options and budget , as well as any advanced options available. Click Save and continue.
    Follow the instructions you see on your screen after that to enter your ads and keywords or ad placements .After the completion of the campaign is created , you can modify the settings or update content at any time.
    To edit campaign settings , click on the tab "Settings" .
    To add a keyword , select the tab "Settings" . You may want to return to our advice regarding the selection of an effective keyword .
    To add ad placements , select the tab "Settings" .

    2 / In-line editing
    No need to go to the second page - it has become possible to edit ads , keywords , placements, and bids within the tables in the tabs campaigns and ad groups in the account. All you need is to pass the mouse pointer on one of the rows to detect editable fields
    3 / new tab " networks "
    : To become the tab " placements " old new name : the tab " networking ." And will continue to manage your placements there, as you will see that you are the summary statistics for search and content
    4 / account tree
    : Use this new menu beside your account pages to move quickly between the campaigns and ad groups . ( Like interface mobility in the traditional editor AdWords.
    5 / offers an overall campaign
    This allows you to " offers the total " new ability to see all the keywords or placements or ads on the campaign level and adjusted in one place instead of bothering to search for them and changed the ad group level. And you will see offers in total tabs " keywords " and " networks " in your account.
    6 / summary graphs Performance
    You can use these custom graphs to compare trends on every level of your account. Click on the link " Change Graph Options " to review the data points like clicks, impressions , and average position .

    7 / copy / move
    Allows you to click on this button to copy and transfer the keywords and placements and ad groups from one campaign to another without leaving the campaign management interface .
    These changes are just another step toward achieving our goal of achieving greater simplicity and effectiveness in the use of AdWords

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