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    Dominate Sports Betting

    By Joris Dekkers
    (e-mail: support@dominatesportsbetting.com)
    This is your copy – enjoy!
    © 2007
    General Introduction…………………………………………………………………..p.3
    Section 1: A short introduction in the fundamentals and definitions of sports
    Section 2: Step by step practical explanation how you take advantage of an
    Section 3: Reviewing OddsandBets and some (free) alternative
    Section 4: Money investment and bankroll management………..…………..p.15
    Section 5: The 10 biggest Bookmakers and Bonuses and a list of the most arb -
    productive bookmakers…...…………………………………………….……..........p.21
    Section 6: The how’s and why’s of the arbitrage betting system: a thoroughly
    Section 7: How to apply a zero risk policy whilst arbitrage
    General Introduction
    Welcome to the Dominate Sportsbetting E-book and congratulations
    with this great opportunity. The Dominate Sportsbetting E-book is
    becoming a worldwide success, with thousands of sales every month.
    Numerous people have just discovered the great secrets which are
    currently unveiling inside the sports betting arena. And now it’s your
    turn. Enjoy!
    Joris Dekkers,
    Creator of the Dominate Sportsbetting E-book and creator and owner of
    http://www.sportsbettingebook.com , http://www.dominateonlinepoker.com
    and http://www.yesfreecash.com
    For whom is this e-book intended and how can it help you?
    The Dominate Sportsbetting E-book is available for EVERYONE. Legally
    seen, you must be 18 years or older, but other than that you may come
    from any country, you may be a woman or man, you may be black or
    white, it all does not matter.
    US Players
    Yes, also US citizens can buy this product. Boy, I know, online
    gambling- and investment players from the US have had a hard
    time lately. With the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act
    it has been almost impossible to win money via gambling or
    investing money on the worldwide web for them. Luckily, there are
    still sites which do allow Americans to play. And luckily too, this ebook
    can be bought by Americans too. Therefore, there is a
    chance for them to win some serious money too!
    The Dominate Sports betting E-book will teach every reader something.
    The beginner will profit hugely from it, because he will take the right
    approach and vision into sports betting immediately. Yes, sports betting
    is in principle a gambling industry, but with this e-book in hand you will
    soon see that gambling is not an option for you anymore. You will take
    advantage of invaluable opportunities where gaining is the only
    The experienced sports bettor will find this e-book even more interesting,
    because he was probably not making smart bets before in order to
    make huge profits. This e-book will enlighten him and surprise him, in a
    way that has never been done before.
    Section 1: A short introduction in the definition and the
    fundamentals of sports arbitrage
    Sport is emotion. And because of that, sports betting is for most people
    also emotion. They bet at their favourite team to add a little more
    excitement to the game. For other people, sport is their ultimate hobby.
    They know everything about their favourite league/sport. They have
    statistics on everything. Based on history, they try to bet as effective as
    Both types of sports bettors will not succeed in making money out of
    sports betting. Some might make money, but that’s just because of
    sheer luck. See, it is not emotion or history that predicts an outcome of a
    sports match. In fact, nothing can predict the outcome of a sports
    This is why, in order to make (huge) profits, you should not make bets
    based on emotion or historical statistics. Better explained: you shall not
    gamble, but you shall take a logical approach.
    This logical approach can be taken because odds compilers who work
    for various bookmakers are not thinking logically but emotionally and
    arrogantly too. Hundreds of bookmakers exist on the internet, but all of
    them have different odds at the same matches. They do not share their
    knowledge, but they only act upon their own knowledge and thus do
    not work together. The different opinions that odds compilers have,
    create wonderful opportunities for us. It is because of them, we exist.
    We call the logical approach that is needed in order to take
    advantage of these differences in the opinions of odds compilers
    arbitrage. Bets you place following arbitrage strategy are called
    Sports Betting Arbitrage refers to this: Making a guaranteed profit by
    backing all possible outcomes of a sporting event at higher than usual
    odds at competing bookmakers.
    More fully explained it refers to the fact that you can make money at
    home on your computer, at your own leisure whilst having complete
    control of every step. Arbitrage is also completely legal wherever online
    gambling is legal, it is thoroughly tried and tested, anyone can do it,
    and it does not involve recruiting or selling anything.
    The idea is very simple; take for example a tennis match where there
    are only two possible outcomes. Find odds for player 1 which are
    exceptionally high, then find odds for player 2 which are exceptionally
    high for that player at another bookmaker. If the odds are high enough
    you then back both sets of high odds in the right proportion, and
    regardless of who wins, you make a guaranteed profit.
    Please note: you will always loose a bet and win a bet. So you will loose
    money at one bookmaker and win at another bookmaker. When you
    take advantage of a soccer arbitrage opportunity you will even lose
    money twice and win once. The thing with arbitrage is however, that
    your winnings at one bookmaker are always bigger than your loss at the
    other bookmaker or the sum of losses at two bookmakers. This is why
    there is always a profit, regardless the outcome of the particular match.
    The concept is as easy as that. Is there any risk? No. Is it legal? Yes. Does
    it require exceptional skills? No. Can you make more money than at a
    regular job? Definitely!
    We will now step by step explain you all about arbitrage just as we
    promised on our website: http://www.sportsbettingebook.com
    Section 2: Step by step practical explanation of how an arb works
    STEP 1: Arbitrage example with 3.57% profit at a tennis match between
    Jeremy Chardy vs Luis Horna
    Beneath you will find screenshots of the OddsAndBets program. This
    software tool scans over 60 bookmakers and searches arbitrage
    opportunities for you EVERY MINUTE. Yes, that’s right, faster and more
    accurate than any other software on the market.
    Scroll down to view step 2..
    STEP 2: We now check out the odds at the first bookmaker Betfair: 4.48
    are the odds for Chardy to win.
    Scroll down to view step 3..
    Step 3: Then we check the odds for Horna at bookmaker Bet-at-home:
    1.35 are the odds for Horna to win.
    Scroll down to view step 4..
    Step 4: For now, we just are going to type in the values in the Bet
    Arbitrage Calculator v1.0 (you can download this for free here). The
    calculator divides the amount to bet between the bookmakers
    depending on what we want to stake (which is now 419 euro).
    If you invest €97 with Betfair, you will need to invest €321 with Bet-athome
    and in one minute you make more than €15 NET profit, whatever
    the outcome of this tennis match will be. A risk-free profit!
    Scroll down to view step 5..
    Step 5: Bet €97 at Betfair.
    Scroll down to view step 6..
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