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    Explain how the Google Adsense

    Google Adsense!!
    What is Google Adsense?

    Many of us do not know what Google Adsense, or information about them unfortunately blurry, but the truth is it a hurricane swept through all the sites on the Internet, and you may not find a location vacate ads from Google Adsense, why not take advantage of this flood as much as possible?

    First, there are two types Google Adsense and Google Adwords

    Google Adwords you need if you want to advertise your site you can buy ads on Google search results that appear on the left that you Tlahzawnha when your use of Google.
    ((This is explained to the brother supporter of this system))

    Here you party declared at Google
    What are you doing here Google ?
    Google has a lot of advertisers across the Google Adwords system does enough results in the Google search engine ?Of course not .
    There is another party 's future advertising system called Google Adsense is a system thing for taking it from Google Ads Google Adwords you have to put it .
    Why would benefit you or Google ?Everyone will be happy in the end , and you details :
    There are three parties in this process 1 - You . 2 - Google . 3 - the advertiser.
    1 - will benefit you commissions on every click pecks visitor to your site for Google ads .2 - Google will benefit portion of the value of the fovea her without getting tired they are here to play the role of mediator between you and the advertiser guarantees the right and ensure you have ads without cheating ( and will return to the point of fraud because it is very important )
    3 - stated that the advertisements will benefit spread over an area of ​​huge sites without the need to pay for the visitor not only to his declaration . If Each has a role here , and the interest and everybody here is happy .
    But frankly why many fail ? And why delete a lot of accounts ! !
    In fact, that is not a drawback of the Google Adsense system it has a very harsh in dealing with irregularities and the account is deleted without warning and blamed them back here , I'll mention here are some reasons to delete the account :Of course the most important reason is that you are clicking on the ads on your site and alert you of course are not even up to the amount of Albay Out however, is that in the Email message that trumpet the news you delete your account .
    Or to be in your sentences in the Arabic language , pictures or anything stimulates visitors to click on your ads , of course, and unfortunately, I notice a lot of sites owned by Arabs in this way .
    Do not you think yourself that Google had deceived received the first check , for example, have to fly your account at any time when exposed order.
    Also publish your links in chat rooms or work out spam and other methods this reason sure to delete your account. And there is a lot in terms of Google Adsense but the Arabs do not like reading in particular if the conditions and laws .
    Does this mean that the profit from Google impossible and that we won our account will be canceled !NoIt's very simple , all you need is that first interested in the content of your site.
    Did not come visiting your site in order to force him to click on ads have come to you to benefit by information or service and the more valuable your site whenever he stayed more time on your site and put pressure on the ads more and more n and will return to your site again and perhaps invited more to you. So why do not care about it at this point with the most important and only care about how to cheat the optimum ?
    Another important element is the place to advertise your position !
    Yes where to place advertising and choose sizes and other things very, very important .Do not make your ads as pallets and only two lines at the bottom of the page is talking about a subject , this method failed , and the end of course, cancel the account
    We must care about the content of the site and the first to be thickly useful information and , secondly, that we know how to put these ads on the site , and know how to attract visitor to your site.
    If you can achieve these conditions , I guarantee you success , God willing. Some sites earn 200-300 dollars a day from Google Adsense ads , why not just be them

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