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    3 Paths To Internet Wealth

    3 Paths To
    Internet Wealth
    Robert B. Ingalls
    “Start Making Your First $1000 Online In 30 Days Or Less”
    Copyright © 2012 by Robert Benjamin Ingalls
    ISBN: 978-1470178796
    Cover by Robert B. Ingalls
    Edited by Robert B. Ingalls
    Design & Layout by Robert B. Ingalls
    Published by Createspace Inc.
    Printed in The United States of America
    Robert B. Ingalls
    No part of this product may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
    whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or
    by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written,
    dated and signed permission from the author.
    The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the
    date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the
    author reserves the rights to alter and update their opinions based on the
    new conditions.
    This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not
    accept any responsibilities for any liabilities resulting from the use of this
    While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided here,
    the author cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or
    omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.
    Warning to all newbies: This is the ONLY manual you will ever need to read
    to start your Internet business. You will find almost each and every piece of
    information in this publication extremely useful. This will set a foundation for
    you to progress further.
    Three Paths to Internet Wealth
    Introduction .......................................................................................... 5
    Why Internet Business? .................................................................... 9
    Income Path #1: Affiliate Marketing .......................................... 17
    What Is Affiliate Marketing? ..................................................... 17
    The Affiliate Marketer Roadmap ............................................. 24
    Step #1: Market Research ............................................ 25
    Step #2: Decide a Niche ................................................ 26
    Step #3: Find a Product to Promote ......................... 27
    Case Study: ClickBank .................................................... 31
    Step #4: Keyword Research ........................................ 35
    Step #5: Create Your Landing Page .......................... 37
    Step #6: Drive Traffic to Your Landing
    Page ...................................................................................... 38
    Income Path #2: eBay ..................................................................... 55
    Why eBay? ........................................................................................ 55
    How to Monetize with eBay? ..................................................... 56
    1) Selling Your Own Products .................................... 56
    2) Selling Other People’s Products ........................... 56
    3) Dropshipping ............................................................... 57
    Income Path #3: Information Products .................................... 61
    The Power of Information Products ...................................... 61
    Case Study: Adam Khoo .............................................................. 62
    The Infopreneur Roadmap ........................................................ 67
    Creating Your Information Products ..................................... 68
    1) Using Information from the Internet ................. 68
    2) Using MRR and PLR Materials .............................. 69
    Robert B. Ingalls
    3) Using Public Domain Works .................................. 72
    4) Hiring A Ghost Writer .............................................. 72
    Selling Your Information Products ......................................... 75
    Selling Information Products Online ....................... 75
    Selling MRR and PLR ...................................................... 78
    Publishing Information Products Offline ............... 79
    Putting Everything Together ........................................................ 87
    Conclusion .......................................................................................... 89
    Appendix 1: The Fourth Path to Internet Wealth ................. 91
    Appendix 2: The Fifth Path to Internet Wealth ...................... 97
    Appendix 3: Why 95% of Internet Marketers Fail ................ 99
    Appendix 3: Recommended Resources .................................. 105
    Three Paths to Internet Wealth
    A very warm welcome to the world of Internet marketing! My
    name is Robert Benjamin Ingalls and thank you for purchasing
    this book. I am sure that this would be a valuable resource for
    you to start with if you seriously want to make a decent stream
    of income on the Internet.
    Let me do a quick introduction about myself. I am an author,
    investor, entrepreneur and internet marketer, currently living in
    Singapore. I graduated from the National University of Singapore
    years ago, majoring in Finance and Marketing. I went on to take
    my Master Degree in Aarhus School of Business in Denmark.
    For years, I have fell deeply in love with the idea of “multiple
    streams of income” since I read the book with the same title by
    Robert G. Allen – the international bestselling author. From
    there, I have been picking up various techniques and strategies
    to build up my income empire. Currently, some of my income
    streams include:
     Rent from properties in Singapore and Hong Kong
     Returns from Stock Investment
     Profits from FOREX trading
     Dividends from 2 local companies
     Royalties from my books
     Earnings from Internet marketing
    Robert B. Ingalls
    I started Internet marketing 5 years ago and over time I have
    accumulated many valuable lessons to pass on to you right here
    in this book.
    I hope this book would be a useful guideline for you to start your
    own online business empire, which is going to work for you in
    the years to come.
    In this book, I will cover the 3 paths that brought me to the
    Internet goldmine. These three separate paths differ in nature,
    but eventually overlap, meaning that your efforts may fragment
    during the beginning stage, but along the way activities will be
    integrated and you will gain more with less effort! I will
    elaborate more when you read on…
    Without further ado, let me walk you through the 3 paths of
    Internet wealth. Sit back and enjoy the journey to wealth, on
    which you yourself will soon be travelling!
    Three Paths to Internet Wealth
    Robert B. Ingalls
    Three Paths to Internet Wealth
    Why Internet Business?
    If the Internet had been widely accessible during the time I
    graduated from the university, I would have selected it as a
    starting point.
    The very first question you may ask is why the Internet? Well, let
    me explain to you why this is the most profitable and hassle-free
    business in this date and age. First, let me show you several facts
    and figures to elaborate on the great earning potential of
    Internet business.
    Let’s look at the advantages of Internet business.
    Potential Growth in Volume
    Robert B. Ingalls
    Looking at the trend line in the graph above, you will see that
    there is a boom in the number of internet users over the last ten
    years. Why? Because the Internet has been growing so rapidly
    that it becomes a primary tool for people to look for information!
    Simple as it might appear!
    Some categories of information, such as overweight, male
    impotence, debt, getting rich, MLM etc., are considered to be so
    sensitive that people would not discuss with their folks offline.
    They’d rather go online and search because they know the
    virtual world will protect their identity and save them from
    shame. In other words, the Internet is the place for people to
    look for solutions to their problems. If you know how to target
    certain groups of people who are willing to spend on those
    solutions, you’ve made it!
    As can be seen from the graph, there was only 27.1% of the
    world’s population are connected in 2009. So, where is the other
    70%? Are they going to be connected soon? Are they going to
    surf the webs and look for solutions to their problems? If you
    vote for a yes, you know exactly where the future Internet
    business comes in!
    Three Paths to Internet Wealth
    Potential Growth in Value
    I want to emphasize that more and more people are spending
    their money on the Internet. Nielsen reveals that 875 million
    consumers shop online in 2008 and the trend is increasing
    Now, with the popularity of Internet-connected mobile devices,
    people can spend money with just a click of a button. According
    to a study by the University of Oxford, there are more mobile
    subscribers than toothbrushes. So you can imagine how huge the
    market is and why you should tap onto this business as soon as
    possible, before another millions of people come in and make it
    more difficult to monetize.
    The Internet business gives you the flexibility in working. You
    can choose to work anytime of the day, any day of the year,
    anywhere you prefer, as long as you have a computer and
    Internet connection. Your online store is your own 24-hour
    salesman that continuously works for you even when you sleep.
    Robert B. Ingalls
    The Internet business is the global business. You can sell to
    customers in Brazil, South Africa and India etc. without seeing
    them physically or setting up physical offices in those countries.
    It gives you a greater base of customer compared to a local
    Small Start-up Cost
    Let’s do some cost analysis to compare an online business startup
    and a traditional brick-and-mortal business start-up.
    The table below shows that Internet business is so affordable
    that even an average person can get started easily. If you want to
    start-up offline, it would cost you at least 1,000 times more.
    Three Paths to Internet Wealth
    More and more people are planning to go online now. So, you’d
    better start soon so that you can still gain the early-mover
    advantage in the industry.
    Cost of Starting A Business
    Traditional business Internet business
    Setup cost $300,000 Website setup $200
    Rental fee $15,000 Hosting $7
    Inventory cost $30,000 Software $20
    Labour cost $20,000 Autorespond service $19
    Utilities & others $10,000 PLR products $27
    TOTAL $375,000 TOTAL $273
    If you want to minimize your start-up cost from the table above,
    you can! Let me give you a couple of examples:
    If you are able to design a website yourself, or outsource it to a
    cheap but quality service provider on Elance
    (http://www.elance.com/) or Fiverr
    (http://www.fiverr.com/), you will cut your cost down even
    further. In fact, my very first website was built from a private
    label right (PLR) template that I purchased for less than $10, and
    it is now still up and running. Take a look at it:
    http://datingneveroutofdate.info/ 
    You don’t need to invest in an autorespond service at the
    beginning stage. You can start small, and get it during the latter
    stage of your business as it grows bigger.
    Robert B. Ingalls
    You don’t need to buy PLR products if you can create an
    information product on your own.
    You don’t need a domain name or web hosting if you choose to
    build your website on a free platform such as Blogger or
    Small Maintenance Cost
    Every month, you don’t have to spend tens of thousands of
    dollars to maintain your business, just like this:
    Monthly Cost of Running A Business
    Traditional business Internet business
    Rental fee $15,000 Hosting $7
    Inventory cost $30,000 App & software $15
    Labour cost $20,000 Autorespond service $19
    Utilities & other costs $10,000 Website maintenance $50
    Maintenance $2,000 Adwords campaigns $100
    Marketing & advertising $20,000
    TOTAL $97,000 TOTAL $191
    You can cut cost for your Internet business if your budget is
    tight. For example, no hosting, no autoresponder, no Google
    Adwords campaigns etc.
    Three Paths to Internet Wealth
    Does it sound good to you? If yes, let’s go straight into the
    “income paths” right now. Just follow me; I am walking you
    through the three profit centres that guarantee to generate
    high returns on investments (by investment, I mean either
    money or time, or both).
    Robert B. Ingalls
    Three Paths to Internet Wealth
    Income Path #1: Affiliate Marketing
    What Is Affiliate Marketing?
    Affiliate Marketing At A Glance
    Affiliate marketing is simply selling and promoting other
    people’s products and services in returns to sales commission.
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