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    AdWords Made Easy

    Bryxen Software. Inc.
    Made Easy
    Simple, Fool-Proof
    Strategies You
    Can Use Right Away
    For Adwords Success...
    Brad Callen's
    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2
    Chapter 3
    Chapter 4
    Chapter 5
    Chapter 6
    Chapter 7
    Chapter 8
    Chapter 9
    "Are You Prepared To Profit From Instant Web Traffic?"...............................4
    "10 Minutes To Instant Web Traffic"...........................................................10
    "Keyword Research Basics".......................................................................23
    "How to Write Ads that Attract Clicks".......................................................33
    "Tracking Ads and Landing Pages"............................................................45
    "Adwords Keyword Strategies"..................................................................55
    Bonus Chapter - Finding Profitable Markets..............................................63
    Bonus Chapter - Finding High Paying Adsense Keywords..........................72
    Bonus Chapter - Finding Profitable Keywords...........................................78
    This product was originally created by Brad Callen, search engine optimization and pay per
    click expert. All efforts have made made to make the information contained in this eBook
    correct. Brad Callen and Bryxen Software are not liable for any actions that may result from
    the information contained within this eBook. Brad Callen and Bryxen Software have no
    affiliation with Google Adwords. Google is a trademarked term.
    Get the latest Updates to Google Adwords Made Easy, for FREE!
    To get the latest updates to this eBook, visit the link below and
    follow the short instructions listed.
    Chapter 1
    Warning - If you're not serious about creating an online business that "makes your money
    for you", please stop reading this now!
    Before we start, I want to cut a deal with you. You see, I wrote this eBook out of a desire to
    teach others how to create using PPC advertising. I've poured a lot of effort
    into this eBook, but only because I 200% that this works. And what's more, it should
    work for whouses these strategies for theirownbusiness.
    And because I've worked so hard to create this, I want it to . If you end up
    "wasting" your time by reading this once and not applying it…well let's just say we can't
    have any of that.
    The only way we're going to do this is if you to apply the money-making strategies
    that I'm about to share with you. In return, you have my word that I will show you the exact
    steps that I have taken to bring in instant traffic and build my online empire. I still get kicks
    out of callingmybusiness an empire.
    Simple give and take (or show and tell).
    To give you a quick idea of what I'm talking about (and to show you what's
    The Player's Guide To Adwords Domination.
    serious wealth
    work for you
    "Are You Prepared To Profit
    From Instant Web Traffic?"
    This is from I run on Google AdWords (more on this later) for just one of
    myproducts for last month. This is fora $167 product. You'll notice that the cost/conversion
    is as low as $2.59! You'll also see that almost all of the groups running have a clickthrough
    rate higher than 5%. Some as high as 10%! The great thing about this, is once it's up and
    running, it literally takeNOwork to earnmoneyvia Adwords. It's all on autopilot.
    In the next few chapters, I will be teaching only those skills that you absolutely need to
    know in order to create your own wealth (and then maybe take your own screenshots?)
    like I have shown above.
    Ready to roll? Let's start with the lifeblood of any online business - website traffic - and how
    you can create it instantly.
    While I was preparing my notes for this chapter, I started to think about what people want
    to learn the most when it comes to making money online. What do you want to learn most
    about makingmoneyonline?
    Howtomakemore sales?
    The first thing I want to tell you is to start focusing on what is truly important in business,
    whether it'sabrick-and-mortar store your grandpaownedorasnazzynewwebsite you've
    just started.
    The first question that you should be asking (not the only question because there is more to
    creating online wealth, but this is the most important point) is:
    As an entrepreneur, your income will always be (beyond a certain point) a function of
    Traffic is important. It's the lifeblood that runs and determines the success of any business.
    just one campaign
    Is it:
    More people coming in to your store to look at antiques = more sales = more money.
    More people visiting your online store… you get the picture.
    Howto create a winning product?
    Howto actuallymakeasale (the technical aspects of online business)?
    More prospects getting your sales letter in their mailboxes = more sales = more
    Howto create instant website traffic?
    Howdo I drive more traffic tomywebsite?
    Youmayknow it by different names, so to put it in another way:
    More people seeing your sales pitch = more money coming into the bank. (granted your
    sales pitch is something people want)
    Doesn't get simpler than that.
    Back to the original question:
    Search engines are a good way to bring free traffic to your website - and while I've been
    teaching business owners like you, how to bring in truckloads of free search engine traffic
    for several years now, the problem with this method is that it takes time to rank highly in
    Google and other search engines.
    ... And we all only have a limited amount of time. The challenge here is to create a
    money-making machine that attracts prospects, reels them in, converts them into
    customers and repeats the process all over again. Think of it as a revolving door -
    prospects just keep coming to your website and keep going out as happy customers
    is that there already is such a system for bringing in instant traffic - pay-perclick
    advertising (PPC). I'll be talking exclusively about how you can use PPC advertising
    via Google Adwords, to drive traffic to your website and convert that traffic into
    is that of PPC advertisers end up throwing several hundred
    bucks down the hole before they even begin to understand how pay-per-click works.
    What's more, there are many business owners who, after being burned to the tune of
    several thousands of dollars, give up on PPC advertising because they don't get how it
    Imagine the pain of giving up a marketing opportunity like that, just because you were so
    frustrated that nothing was working.
    What I've done here is I've broken PPC advertising down for you in simple terms - and as
    you will see in this chapter and the next, and cutting through all
    the mystery that surrounds AdWords (my ad network of choice) and pay-per-click
    Howdo create instant website traffic?
    The good news
    The bad news
    I'll be taking you by hand
    95 percent
    Note: In later chapters I'll talk to you about the other
    factors that determine your income - product value,
    pricing and most importantly, converting this traffic
    into enthusiastic, buying customers.
    Pay Per Click Advertising in Plain English
    Perry Marshall, in his Guide to Google AdWords, says this aboutPPCadvertising:
    You have the ability to reach your target market instantly, and get them to make a
    decision on your product/service.Andthat's not just it.
    for you to set up an ad campaign in Google AdWords - and
    immediately after your ad is ready, it will start bringing in traffic to your websites. No matter
    what you're selling, you haveachance, in 10 minutes, to start making sales.
    What other advertising platform let's youmakeasale that fast?
    -howcanYOUuse this speed (of getting an idea to the market and testing
    it almost instantly) to your advantage?
    The of PPC advertising is that you can test new business ideas quickly
    and cheaply by running an ad campaign for a few hours and monitoring its results. This
    alone can save you thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of dollars in advertising and
    product creation - but only if youdoit right (I'll show youhowto in the next 6 chapters).
    1. Google AdWords
    (formerly Overture).
    While they are both very effective in pulling in traffic, I exclusively use Google AdWords
    (and I'll explain why in justaminute).
    "[It] is about getting in front of people who are looking for what you sell right this moment
    and get them to respond."
    It takes just 10 minutes
    Better question
    biggest advantage
    Pay-per-click advertising operates on two simple premises:
    Your ads are displayed in the search engines according to what people are
    searching / looking for. (i.e. If someone search for "weight loss" and you're bidding
    on the term "weight loss", your ad will be displayed when someone searches for that
    There are two major PPC ad engines:
    2. Yahoo Search Marketing
    You pay only for visitors that come to your site (no upfront costs - every "click" while
    being an expense is also a chance for you to convert that visitor into a customer).
    You pay a certain amount "per click" on your ad. If nobody clicks on your ad, you
    don't pay a dime... and also get no visitors. The goal is to get many visitors,
    while paying as little as possible per click.
    Having said that, I don't discourage you from using YSM. In certain niche markets the YSM
    network is still not hyper-saturated (unlike AdWords, where the competition is higher) and
    youmaybeable to realize serious short-term gains if you play thePPCgameright.
    What I would discourage you from is to using a PPC ad network other than AdWords or
    YSM. Beyond these two the situation is pretty bleak with poor traffic quality, click fraud and
    lack ofasizeable user base all contributing to an abject failure.
    The Google audience / user base has traditionally catered to technical
    audiences and more importantly, to Internet savvy users.
    The kind of userswhoare .
    These users (the tech-savvy, buying kind) are more likely to use Google than Yahoo or
    Google AdWords delivers instant results - you can have your ad campaign up
    and running in 10 minutes flat. Compared to this Yahoo can take anywhere from 2 to 5
    days while they manually review ads.
    With AdWords, you can go target your prospects geographically down to
    countries, states and cities. This is a great advantage for businesses selling hard goods or
    services - they would prefer local prospects as opposed to someone half way across the
    My favorite quality about AdWords is that -
    that is, for an ad that converts (clicks/impressions percentage) exceptionally well (high
    click-through-rate (CTR)), your ad will get better ad placement as well as better pricing.
    Google wants to display the most relevant ads for the user. So... it makes perfect sense
    thatYOUwill pay less per click, the higher the clickthrough rate of youradis.
    Your competition cannot see the exact amount you're bidding for your
    keywords or the CTR your ads are getting - a distinct tactical advantage that Yahoo lacks.
    Reason 1:
    comfortable with buying online
    Reason 2:
    Reason 3:
    Reason 4: it rewards good ad performance
    Reason 5:
    5 Reasons why you should be using Google AdWords
    Click-through rate is simply the percentage
    that users click on your ad. For example, if 100 users
    saw your ad, and 2 people clicked your ad to visit
    your website, your click-through rate would be 2%
    Basically, your competition will NEVER be able to tell how you are marketing your product,
    unless they use a trick I'm going to show you later ;-) So, they won't be able to copy off of
    your marketing and steal your prospects.
    Bottom line - bringing instant traffic to your websites and converting those prospects into
    satisfied customers is a much better option than waiting around for your search engine
    rankings to.
    And, in my opinion, Google AdWords is game in town when it comes to PPC
    In the next chapter, I'll sit with you and take you through the entire process of creating an
    ad campaign through Google AdWords. I'll take you from start to finish - from picking your
    keywords to creating an account to writing an ad to making it go live - and
    the only
    we'll do it in
    less than 10 minutes.
    Chapter 2
    In the last chapter you read about how pay-per-click advertising (PPC) was simply the
    best method for bringing instant traffic to your websites.
    Today you'll learn about a simple, 10-minute process that anyone can use to setup a fullyfunctional
    Google AdWords account and start driving traffic to their website almost
    Before we get into the more Advanced strategies, we need to build a very strong
    foundation and make sure you understand the basics. The stronger your foundation, the
    more earning potential you'll have for the future, so pay close attention to every detail I'm
    about to teach.
    Let'sdoaquick example...
    We'll pretend that we sell . I am going to show you exactly how to
    buildacampaign for that type of product, starting with some sensible market research.
    PPC advertising is very competitive for a reason for any high-value product/service, PPC
    is a cheap and effective way to get your name in front of the people looking for products
    just like yours.
    With all the competition there's just one big problem: If you jump in blind, the sharks will
    eat you alive. You must first dig up the details on your market and your competition, and
    that means knowing:
    Which keywords are getting the most traffic
    What are the top bid prices for those keywords
    Which keywords are being ignored and why
    home theater systems
    "10 Minutes To Instant Web Traffic"
    Research your market
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